вторник, 1 августа 2017 г.

Triceps Workout for Women

Triceps Workout for Women

So many of the women that I work with are self-conscious about their triceps or ‘bat wings’. Luckily, your triceps are one of the first muscles to show definition after starting a weight training program.

Would you like to go sleeveless confidently with sexy, defined arms? You are in the right place!

I find that most people struggle to get noticeable results when training their arms because they don’t know how to train their triceps properly.

Tricep Training Tip #1: Most people lift too heavy! When training your triceps I recommend doing high reps (aka repetitions, which is the number of times you repeat an exercise in a set) of lightweight exercises will help you build the lean muscle needed to get results quickly. This way you’ll get tight, defined arms and max calorie burn, as opposed to bulking up and building mass and strength.

Tricep Training Tip #2: Do tricep exercises that utilize different angles and grips. Did you know that the ‘Tri’ means 3? The triceps are called triceps because there are 3 main ‘heads’ in the tricep muscle group. The key to training your triceps is using different grips and angles to make sure you’re training all 3 zones.

To help you out I put together a triceps workout for women will help you get results quickly. (yay!) See me explain more and demo the exercises in this sexy arm tricep workout in today’s episode of CCtv.

Tricep Workout for Women

How to do this Tricep Workout for Women

There are 6 exercises that target the triceps in this workout. You’ll need to do each exercise until you ‘feel the burn’ and once you feel the burn do 5 more. You need to do each exercise one time to complete 1 ‘round’ or set. You need to do 3 full sets of each exercise to complete your workout.

I recommend doing these tricep exercises at least once a week… along with another arm workout. (I created a series of workouts designed to get you sexy arms. Check out the bicep and shoulder workouts.) If you train this area consistently – following my instructions – you will build lean muscle and notice definition in that area fairly quickly

This workout targets your tricep muscles… But unfortunately, you can’t spot reduce fat from your arms. (I wish!) If you want to lose fat from your arms, this workout isn’t going to do much if you’re not following a meal plan (preferably one that matches your metabolic type), cardio, and full body weight training program.

For the fastest possible results, I recommend my Total Transformation Challenge. You’ll get noticeable results in DAYS not weeks and by day 30, you will have totally transformed your health and body. Plus, you’ll save 30% and get a chance to win cash.

As always this workout, only works if you work it, so work it. YOU are so worth it!

Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader


Pin this workout so you’ll have it forever.


Original article and pictures take www.christinacarlyle.com site

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