среда, 12 октября 2016 г.

Resistance Band Butt Workouts 9 Mins to a Perfect Tush

Resistance Band Butt Workouts 9 Mins to a Perfect Tush
Resistance band workout

Get ready to lift and shape your glutes with 6 ultra-effective butt exercises.

Have you tried our squat challenge and are you yearning for more?

If you said "yes" to both, give yourself another challenge with resistance band butt exercises that lift, shape and firm your backside even more.

Many of the 30 day squat challenge variations are mostly made up of bodyweight squat exercises.

While this is great for getting acquainted with squats, eventually you’ll need to up the intensity and add more glute stimulating exercises to further develop those buns that give your posterior the "pop" you want.

But just because you need to add challenges, that doesn't mean it has to involve exercise equipment and free weights.

Resistance can be added simply by using a very lightweight rubber tube or band called resistant band. Because it's portable and tiny, it's perfect for any at home workouts!

Since achieving the butt you want takes right exercises done at the right intensity for the right reps, think of it as a necessary upgrade from your squat challenge.

When working the butt, most women choose exercises that they believe to work the glutes (butt muscles), but don’t necessarily hit them in the right manner to create the lift they hope to get.

It's because many so called best butt exercises like leg lifts and glute bridge usually don’t challenge and stimulate the butt muscles enough to shape them, says Holly Perkins, fitness expert and contributor of Yahoo Health.

Although these moves are great to use as warm-up, shaping up and making your butt lifted and rounded takes much more than typical exercises.

Gluteal muscles
Gluteal muscles

It needs workouts that stimulate the lower body's largest muscle group, glutes, made up of three muscles:

  • Gluteus maximus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus

Not only you need to develop all three glutes, it just so happens that butt out of all muscles in your body takes a lot to stimulate and get to work.

That's right.

Your butt is a perpetual lazy muscle.

Butt lazy muscles
Butt lazy muscles

And that explains why they like couch so much.

Here is why they are called lazy muscles.

Believe it or not, butt is involved in many daily repetitive movements like walking, jogging, running and taking the stairs and serves the purpose of balancing, stabilizing and supporting all those functions, glutes are really good at working efficiently and preserving energy while at it.

This makes butt muscles 'energy efficient muscles'!

They can do a lot of lower intensity work for a longer duration of time, and that's their strength.

But the flip side of it is that they don't burn energy.

When it comes to shaping your butt, this is the opposite of what you want.

You need to burn energy (and lots of it) and fat instead of preserving them and stimulate the muscles enough to get them to tone up and firm up.

The good news is, you can make this gear shift happen with exercises.

Not with all exercises, but with few selected ones.

And that's what this workout is all about.

This at home workout for a rounder, firmer, more lifted butt takes your glutes from working in the energy efficient mode to turbo mode by causing high level of muscle stimulation.

The muscle stimulation level, muscle target angles, intensity, resistance and frequency will recruit turbo fibers called fast-twitch fibers and successfully engage all your glutes muscles in the way the muscles can develop and get toned.

Unfortunately, most women’s butt workouts are made up of exercises with insufficient stimulation and continue to have your glutes work in the energy efficient mode.

So let's change all that.

Butt Exercises - More Stimulation More Pop

Butt building exercises that your butt pop
Butt building exercises that your butt pop

In case you are wondering how we know what butt exercises are muscle stimulus and what are not, rest assured that we don't rely on our instincts or guess to come to our final selection.

We rely on the science and experts who studied them.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) did a study on an array of butt exercises and tested their level of muscle activation and stimulation. Based on the results, they ranked them from the highest muscle activating exercise to the lowest.

ACE glutes study graph
ACE glutes study graph

John P Porcari, Ph.D, head researcher of the ACE glutes exercise study, "We use a variations of common exercises such as the squat, lying side leg lifts—these moves work the glutes muscles most effectively."

Using the data and their rankings, we created a 9 minute butt kicking booty-buliding workout to grow and develop the pair of butt cheeks you always wanted.

And to make them even more effective, we added a resistant band so you can perform them at a higher intensity, which evidently helps shaping and firming your buns.

If you are still doubting how just one rubber can reshape your backside and reinvent your workouts, here is how it works.

Benefits of Using Bands vs Free-Weights

Resistance band vs weights
Resistance band vs weights

"Resistance bands" are a great addition to any "strength training" routine especially for at "home workouts”—This ultra light and portable exercise equipment is also easily stored, making it perfect for hotel workouts or taking outdoor for park workouts.

Although exercise bands are most known for their convenience and cost effectiveness, their most fantastic element is the resistance it can add.

And it does that without needing free weights and exercise machines.

The secret is in the rubber. It takes force to pull a rubber and even more to resist the shrinking of the rubber.

On top of it, the tension it creates is constant and even intensifies as you engage in a wider, fuller range of motion. You can also easily elevate the level of challenge by changing the rubber resistance, which is often color coded for easy sorting and spotting.

Because it's a type of resistance that doesn't require gravity, it can apply in even a wider range of exercises including many butt workouts such as leg lifts and fire hydrants.

These are typically the type of exercises that are harder to add resistance through the use of free weights and even if you figure out a way to add gravity based equipment, they often don't target the focused muscles directly, making it somewhat less efficient and effective.

As one fitness expert says "This band's non-reliance on gravity allows you to add resistance where dumbbells can't.", this cannot be more true.

While gravity based exercise equipment and free weights such as dumbbells tend to only work with vertical movements, exercise bands can be effectively applied to many functional exercises that incorporate movement types beyond vertical.

Another area where exercise bands excel and go beyond free weights is how tension gets applied.

Tension created by resistant bands is often directed to the very area you are working to strengthen when free weights solely add more load to the exercise.

For exercises such as fire hydrants and leg lifts, these strengths of resistant bands truly shine and work to your advantage.

One last benefit worthy of mentioning is their less impact on the joints.

Unlike other weight equipment, it doesn't place pressure on your join by adding gravity. It's one of the main reasons why it's widely used in rehabilitation, physical therapy and corrective exercise sessions.

Exercise Band Varieties

Resistance bands come in a wide variety of colors and forms. The most common types of resistance bands include tube bands with handles, loop versa bands, and therapy bands.

In this 9-Minute Resistance Band Workout, we used a tube band with a handle (anchor band) for Kickbacks and Side Pull.

The rest of exercises were done with a loop versa band. If you don't own them yet, you can purchase the ones in our shots on amazon here.

If you already have bands to work with, that's great! You are ready to start.

Are you ready to reinvent, lift and firm your tush in 9 minutes with these most butt stimulating resistance band exercises?

Let's get started!

9-Min Resistance Band Workout

Resistance Band Exercises
9-Minute Resistance Band Exercises

1. Glute Kickbacks

The glute or cable kickbacks is a popular butt shaping exercise you often see fitness enthusiasts perform at the gym using an exercise machine — It's a super effective move that isolates and shapes the buns.

If your idea of effective exercises involve free weights and other heavy weights like barbells, think again. This exercise uses the power of resistance that comes from the cable and targets the isolated glute muscles intensely to foster muscle toning.

For at home workouts, use a resistant band with an ankle cuff and attach the other end to a secure place.

Cable kickbacks exercise
Cable kickbacks exercise

How to Do Glute Kickbacks

  1. Secure one end of the band to the lower portion of a post and attach the other to one ankle. Facing the attachment point of the band, balance yourself one the other leg to stabilize yourself.
  2. Keeping your head and your chest up, move the resisted leg back as far as you can while keeping the knee straight.
  3. Return the leg to the starting position. Continue for 10 to 12 reps and then switch side and repeat.

2. Side-Pulls

The side-pull, also known as the standing resistance-band hip abduction is a single-joint exercise that strengthens the muscles on the outer hip and the supporting muscles around the knee. This exercise can be used as warm-up, prehabilitation, or rehabilitation exercise, according to muscleandfitness.com

Standing side pulls
Standing side pulls

  1. Secure a resistance band between a door and the doorjamb. Attach the looped end of the resistance band to your outside ankle, and then step away from the door enough so that you can feel the tension in the resistance band. You may need to split your stance a bit.
  2. Flex your toes of the leg attached to the resistance band toward your shin. Next, keeping your leg extended, slowly move your foot away from the opposite foot. Feel the tension in your outer thigh, then slowly return to the start position. Repeat.
  3. After completing the required number of reps, switch sides and repeat the sequence.

Tip: Try to remain balanced on one leg throughout movements. Do not allow any motion to occur in your spine during the exercise.

3. Squat

Squat is probably the most recommended butt exercise for creating for a perfectly shapely glutes.

However, without gradual progression, it wouldn't be as effective as it can be. If you've been performing bodyweight squat for a while, it's time to add external resistance with a resistance band.

It's what challenges and stimulates the gluteal muscles for growth.

Squatting with band also offer other benefits— The tension from the band forces your gluteus medium (outer thighs muscles to fire. It also keep the knees from caving inwards when squatting.

All in all the band can give you the level of resistance or intensity that’s need to develop those powerful glutes muscles.

How to do a perfect squat
How to do a perfect squat

How to Do Band Squats

  1. Begin by wrapping the band around your leg, just above the knees. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure there’s the tension in the band.
  2. Brace your core. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can, driving your knees outward against the band's resistance
  3. Pause for 1-2 seconds, then slowly push back up to the starting position. Continue for 10-12 reps.

4. Forward Walk

Aside from working out your hips and firing your glutes, this band exercise also works and strengthens the knees. If you occasionally run, you will greatly appreciate what this move has to offer.

Great exercise for creating balance throughout the hip complex.

Forward band walk
Forward band walk

How to Do the Forward Walk

  1. Begin by wrapping the exercise band around your leg, just above the knee. Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart creating tension on the band
  2. Sitting your hips back and down with heels slightly off ground and knees pushed away
  3. Walk forward as instructed in the image for the prescribed number of repetitions per side, while holding squat and posture. Do 10 to 12 reps per side.

Tips: Keep toes pulled to shins and heels off round, and knees pushed away from each other as if walking. Maintain perfect posture and keep abs engaged throughout the exercise.

5. Fire Hydrant

Even though the fire hydrant exercise primarily works the outer thighs and the glutes, it also indirectly works the core, abs, and the stabilizing muscles of the low back. And because you are on your threes intead of fours while performing the movement, you'll also improve your balance.

Fire hydrant exercise
Fire hydrant exercise

  1. To get started get down on all fours and wrap a resistance band (mini-band) around your working leg just above your knee. Make sure your back is flat and your head and spine are neutral.
  2. Begin by lifting your banded leg up and to the side, keeping your knee bent 90 degrees and lifting to hip level. Make sure your weight is distributed evenly between your hands and knee.
  3. Pause at the top for 1-2 seconds, then slowly lower back down to the start, resisting the pull of the band as you return. Continue for 10 to 12 reps on one side before switching.

Tip: Keep your hips squared and steady as you do each rep, and don’t let your back sway.

6. Leg Raise

The band side-lying leg raise is an isolation exercise that strengthens the outer thigh. This move also improves stability through the core and hips.

Leg raise exercise
Leg raise exercise

How to Do a leg raise

  1. Wrap a resistance band around your ankles and lie on one side with your feet stacked one on top of the other. The arm closer to the floor should be bent to a 90 degree angle, to support your head. Your other arm should be brought across your midsection, elbow bent at 90 degrees and palm planted firmly on floor.
  2. Contract your abs and lift your top leg up to the ceiling, keeping your hips stacked.
  3. Maintain tension on the band at all times. Pause 1-2 seconds before bringing the leg back down. Continue for 10-12 reps and switch sides.

Tips: Keep tension on the band at all times. Make sure to keep hips stacked and body in a straight line throughout movement.

Original article and pictures take www.fitwirr.com site

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