понедельник, 21 марта 2016 г.

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat – Bye-Bye Back Fat Workout

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat – Bye-Bye Back Fat Workout

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

Asking yourself how to get rid of back fat?

Look no further my friend!

Say “Sayonara!” to your back fat and say hello to a beautiful, strong back and the appearance of a smaller waist with this workout!

at home back workout

I can remember a time when I was asking google “How To Get Rid Of Back Fat.” I could feel things bulging out over the back of my bra. I could see the shadows of my back cleavage through my shirts. When I would try on bathing suits I was constantly struggling with my boobs not filling up the cups but my back fat overtaking the back.

I felt horrible about myself. My self confidence had totally tanked and I just felt like I would never be able to be the fit person I wanted to be. You can read more about my story here.

Then I did something that totally changed my LIFE! I started lifting heavy weights instead of doing endless, boring cardio. All of the sudden the fat started falling off and my body shape started changing rapidly. I was no longer worrying about how to lose back fat.

Here is my Bye-Bye Back Fat gym or home friendly workout with some of my favorite back exercises so you’ll know exactly how to get rid of back fat. Enjoy!

how to get rid of back fat


☽ 1 Dumbbell (I suggest this one)

☽ Water Bottle (I love this kind)

☽ A Yoga Mat (Like this) *optional

1. Dumbbell Lat Pullover

You might not realize this but adding a little bit of mass and definition to your lat muscles gives your waist the appearance of being smaller. So heres to your smaller waist girlfriend! Cheers!

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Lie on your back with both ends of a dumbbell in hand above your head.

☽ Raise the dumbbell overhead keeping a slight bend in your elbows.

☽ Slowly raise the dumbbell over head until your arms are perpendicular to the floor.

☽ Ensure you’re keeping your lower back pressed to the floor throughout the entire exercise.

☽ Also focus on keeping your core tight as you bring the dumbbell back down toward the floor.

☽ Repeat the exercise for 10-12 reps.

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60 second rest in between.

2. Single Arm Bent Over Row

These are one of my most favorite back exercises however they are very easy to get wrong. I often see people in the gym doing these with improper form but not you! I’m going to teach you how to get these right bae!

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Grab a medium to heavy weight in your left hand.

☽ Using a chair, bed, ottoman or bench place your right knee on the platform of your choice.

☽ Using the right hand on the platform for support.

☽ Start with your arm hanging directly below the shoulder.

☽ Bring the dumbbell up toward the side of your waist.

☽ The MOST important thing to remember with this exercise is to keep your elbow close to you body. Your arm should be grazing the side of your chest and waist throughout this entire exercise. I don’t want to see any elbows flailing around kapeesh?

☽ Slight pause at the top of this raise.

☽ Slowly bring the dumbbell back to the starting position.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with 60 seconds of rest in between.

3. Bent Over Reverse Delt Raise

While this isn’t strictly a back exercise, you’ll still be firing up some of those back muscles in there along with your rear delts (shoulders).

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Start with two light dumbbells in each hand.

☽ Bending forward slightly at the hips with your knees slightly bent.

☽ Point your pinkies outward so that your palms are facing toward you.

☽ Keep your elbows slightly bent as you bring them up to shoulder height.

☽ Slight pause at the top here before you bring the dumbbells back down slowly.

☽ Repeat for 8-10 reps.

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60 second rest in between.

4. Dumbbell deadlifts

Not going to lie to you, these used to intimidate the crap out of me… and I’m pretty sure it’s only because of the name “deadlift.” It sounds much harder than it actually is. These are not only great for helping to build a strong back but they are also amazing for toning your legs.

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Start with a medium-heavy dumbbell in each hand slightly in front of you with your palms facing your body.

☽ Place your feet shoulder width apart.

☽ Keeping your shoulders pulled back and tight, hinge at the knees and hips brining the dumbbells almost to the floor.

☽ Keep your head and chest slightly up and throughout the exercise.

☽ Pushing through the heals come back to the starting position.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times.

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60 second rest in between.

5. Bent Over Row

Another one of my favorite back moves that will help you to not only have a strong, sexy back but will also help you to improve your posture!

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Start with your feet shoulder width apart.

☽ Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing toward your body.

☽ Bend your knees slightly and bend slightly forward at the waist.

☽ Start with your arms extended down in front of your knees.

☽ Bring the dumbbells in an upward motion toward your belly button.

☽ Again, your arms should be grazing the side of your chest.

☽ Pause at the top of the motion.

☽ Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times.

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60 second rest in between.

6. Bent Over Reverse Fly

These can be a little tricky at first. That’s why I suggest using a very light weight for these.

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

☽ Start with two light dumbbells in each hand.

☽ Bending forward slightly at the hips with your knees slightly bent.

☽ Your palms should be facing toward each other.

☽ Keep your elbows slightly bent as you bring them up to shoulder height.

☽ Slight pause at the top here before you bring the dumbbells back down slowly.

☽ Repeat for 8-10 reps.

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60 second rest in between.

Thats a wrap!

I hope this helped to answer your question of how to get rid of back fat. I would love to hear your feedback of this workout below!


Samantha Hauger

At Home Shoulder Workout For Sexy Shoulders At Home Boob Lift – Home Workout No More Bat Wings – Arm Workout For Women

Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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