четверг, 6 ноября 2014 г.

5 tips to help you build lean muscle

5 tips to help you build lean muscle
5 tips to help you build lean muscle
Follow these five tips for maximum lean gains.

Multi-task your workout

Single-joint exercises, such as a bicep or leg curl, don’t build muscle quickly. Instead, try multi-joint exercises, like squats, pull-ups, bench presses, push-ups, and bicycle ab crunches. You’ll work more muscles in less time, seeing results faster.

Eat more carbs

Somewhere in the last few years, we’ve been brainwashed into thinking carbs are bad. But as runners, we know we need carbs to fuel our exercise. So what’s the deal? Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for our bodies. If you don't eat enough, your body starts to break down muscle for amino acids it can convert into glucose. So without a moderate supply of carbs, you can't gain muscle.

After you run or work out, make sure you eat a meal that’s high in fast-release carbs, as well as protein and sugar. Try a protein shake or one of these rapid recovery foods.

Up your rep speed

If you're focusing on bodyweight exercises instead of lifting weights, once you can comfortable do eight to 10 reps of any move, increase the speed you're doing them and get more reps done per minute. Just make sure you don't sacrifice your form for speed, or you'll lose all the benefits.

Eat more protein

Muscle is protein, so to build bigger muscles you need more protein. You should aim to consume anywhere between 1g and 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you need to eat around 150g of protein per day. Go for lean protein, such as chicken, turkey and fish.

Rest and recover

Working your muscles too hard, too often will damage the fibres, leaving them unable to repair and grow. To build muscle quickly, you have to completely fatigue the muscle group and then give time to rest, at least 48-72 hours to properly repair. Instead of skipping exercise until you’re completely pain-free, try mixing up the muscle groups. Monday for legs, Tuesday for arms etc.

Complete rest days are important, too. On these days, ensure you’re getting the most out of your recovery by doing light stretching, foam rolling and getting enough sleep.

Original article and pictures take therunningbug.com site

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